Thursday, August 2, 2012

You Don't Want To Try These

Most vegetarian/vegan foods are positively amazing, but there are a few that you never, ever want to try. Some people have those choice tastes and these foods may actually be tasty, but for everyone else...just steer clear.
NutmeatIt's this gelatinous substance that's just...uck! It's slimy, smells bad and makes your tongue tingle. If you would like Spam flavored jello, this vegetarian meat may be for you.
Tofu-Dogs. Look...they have the combination texture of marshmallows and rubber. It's extremely hard to get over if you're a crunch-lover like me. The taste isn't the best either, it's a real let down for veggie dogs.
Vegan shrimp, prawns and lobster. They are just so gross, so gross. The texture is WAY off and it looks and wiggles too similar to thereal thing. They are chewy and the taste is definitely something to get used to.
Tofurkey. It looks nothing and tastes nothing like turkey. It's like fish wearing a cat-suit, it just doesn't work.
Vegan caviar. I have never had vegan caviar or regular caviar, something about eating roe just seems wrong to me. They are baby fishies! But I have heard that its just wrong; has a totally different taste, is jelly-like and isn't nearly as salty.
These are the only vegetarian/vegan foods that I have tried or heard of that are just flat out gross. Every section of food has its downsides, not too many here (thank goodness). You never know what you're are going to love or what foods you are going to hate, but never be afraid to try em' all, no matter the color or smell. I mean... My favorite fruit drink is green. Green. But it's the most amazing drink I have ever had. Try ever thing you can, minus these few meat alternatives.
Thank you so much for reading!

Monday, July 30, 2012

I Dare You To Read This: Cows

If you thought things were pretty bad from the last "I Dare You To Read This" post, you might not want to continue reading. Things are worse...much worse.
Every year over 42 million cows die each year, between the meat and dairy industry. Cows are branded with extremely hot pokers that leave them with 3rd degree burns, have their horns cut or burned off and are castrated, usually, without painkillers, screaming and struggling to break free. And it's not like they are given a dosage strong enough to dull all the pain. 
Cattle on feedlots are fed a very unhealthy diet that's only goal is to fatten them up to the fullest possible. Being on this unnatural diet causes them chronic digestive pain where they are so filled with gas they looked bloated and their breathing is impaired by compressing of their lungs. Fatal abscesses line their stomachs because of this diet, which effect nearly 32% of cattle raised for beef. But even those who do not suffer rom ulcers still have; excessive stomach acid that causes altogether causes Acute Acidosis. 
This then leads to bodily fluids being rushed to the rumen and the cow eventually dies. The feedlot air is saturated with methane, ammonia, and other noxious gases that are caused by large build ups of manure and the cows have no choice but to breathe all of this toxic air. The cattle raied for meat are also fed regular doses of drugs like antibiotics that cause them to grow at rapid rates and keep them alive until they are shipped off to the slaughterhouse. But these cows aren't fed meds from the vet, oh no, they are fed higher doses and human-grade meds because taking them to the vet would cost the company more money. 

Any cattle that survive the trip to the slaughter are exhausted And many are too sick or too tired to even walk. These cows that can not walk or are too tired to are called "downers", which are usual led chained and roped by their legs and dragged off the trucks. Any cows healthy enough to walk are too scared to even get out of the truck because they fear being shocked by electric prods or dragged out, both ofwhich happen anyways. Even worse is that uncooperative cows are beaten and have the prods stuck in their faces and up their rectums. 
These cows are shoved into a chute and are shot in the head with a captive-bolt gun, meant to stun them, but uninformed/undertrained employees are pushing these cows through too fast and do not render them insensible to pain. These poor cows have their legs cut off while being fully conscious; they blink, heads move, they look around....they feel every single cut. Some cows have their throats cut, and are still alive even several minutes after their throats are cut, production still goes on whether the cow is dead or not.
The cows are usually not cleaned before being slaughtered, so; manure, dirt, urine, blood and God knows what else is caked all over these cows. If they are cleaned then its by being sprayed with a high-pressure hose and it's surely painful. If the cows aren't cleaned...the meat has to be cleaned somehow, and what's better than the cheapest, quickest way? It's cleaned with ammonia or bleach. It is sat in a vat and cleaned with those chemicals. 
I suggest watching Food, Inc or Foodmatters, which are both great documentaries to watch if you want to learn more on what you eat. I learned most of this information from Food, Inc...It helped me make my final decision in becoming vegetarian. 
Thank you so much for reading and loving animals as much as I do.