Thursday, August 23, 2012

I Dare You To Read This: Diseases

There are so many people that I have met that have told me, flat out, that they do not care about what they eat. And you know, it breaks my heart. They tell me,”Oh yeah, yeah. I know, I know. I just don’t care. It tastes good, so, I eat it.” They’ve usually told me this while chomping on McDonalds or a nice juicy steak. And I know I have said this in at least on post before.
They apparently do not care, have no moral conscious, about; murder, abuse, disease, etc. Meat is murder. No matter how you want to twist it, no matter your argument. This is a living creature and you are wrongfully taking away their life for your own selfishness. It’s a blasphemy of life that I do not wish to take part in and something I hope you take the same way that I do.
I understand people’s arguments on the scarcity of food across the world and what not, but do you know that if we plowed over every single meat processing plant, factory and meat farm in the world we would never have a problem with food. I also mean to say, in doing this, you put up crop farms. Farms that produce vegetables and fruits need less water, altogether, than animal farms, etc. do. It’s easier and a hell of a lot less violent and demoralizing than animal farms.
Just think about all the thousands upon thousands of crops you could grow of that blood soaked land. Minus the blood because that’s disgusting, but I mean realistically/rationally speaking it’s a better path, choice, route whatever you may wish to call it. It would save so much money, end obesity and end starvation.
On to what I originally wanted to talk about...I have said before that there are diseases that come with eating meats. I never really explained why these diseases are prominent in meats and what diseases are found in what meats. And so, I wanted to write about that this time just to give more coverage and so you can better understand what I have been talking about.
Heart disease is the most commonly known disease that is associated with meat. The reason behind why meat and meat products give you heart disease is this: a protein called Plasma Apolioprotein Bis positively associated with animal-protein in take. This disease and these proteins are lowered by vegetable protein intake. This doesn’t mean that you can have your cake and eat it to. You have to give up meat to fight this disease because it will not get better if you don’t. This protein is also correlated with coronary heart disease and high-cholesterol levels as well. This isn’t just red meat I’m talking about either, this does include fish and poultry.
Colon cancer is also a very common associated with eating meat.  Again, red meats are not the only problem here. It has been found that consuming fish and poultry will also potentially give you colon cancer. The potent cancer-causing compounds are called Heterocyclic Amines and they are actually more concentrated in chicken than, say, beef. Have it be chicken or beef, they have the same cholesterol levels. There is no difference, in regards to cholesterol, there is no advantage to eating lean chicken to lean beef.
Stomach cancer is caused by processed meat that contains nitrates. Almost all meat does. Nitrates help to elongate meat’s shelf-time. They stay fresher longer and have twice the risk of disease. For every ounce of meat you eat a day, your risk of getting stomach cancer is increased anywhere from 15-38%. Now that may not seem a lot, but do the math. 6 ounces and your chances of getting stomach cancer are  extreme.
Eating meats can also give you bone cancer. And this is because meat products contain a high percentage of Phosphors than Calcium. This unbalanced ratio that causes secondary hypothyroidism because the parathyroid glands in your neck product way too much parathyroid hormone. This disease comes with it’s own parade of other health issues ,and they’re no fun. And you can also have a high chance of getting osteoporosis at a young age especially in women.
All types of meat contain Arachidonic acid. Prostaglandins and leukotriens are abundant in this acid because they belong to the metabolites in the acid. Prostaglandin E is found in the synovial fluid in people who suffer from Rheumatism. That’s a whole lot of medical who-ha for joint and cartilage erosion.
There is about another post or two full of diseases that I would be more than happy to write for you guys, but I do not want this post to be excessively long. So I promise I will make another post as soon as possible, as a second part to this one.
I want to thank you so much for reading and I’ll work on writing another post, here, soon.
Thank you!