Friday, August 10, 2012

Some Interesting Facts You Have To Read

During my usual busy day, I came across a few interesting facts about being vegetarian and some important people who are vegetarian, as well. And that I thought I'd share them with you guys.

* During a study in Great Britain, researchers found that a child's IQs can predict his likelihood of becoming vegetarian at an older age. The smarter the child was, the more likely it is he will reject meat.

* Research shows that men who eliminate red meats from their diets have a more sexually appealing body odor. And you wonder why people say vegetarians smell better...

* Many people believed that Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian. The man who brought on the Holocaust and had furniture made out of humans, yes, he was vegetarian. He predicted that in the future the world would become vegetarian. While entertaining omnivore guests in his home he would tell them many horror stories about what happened in slaughterhouses. When they became put-off by meat, he laughed and mocked them for their hypocrisy. It is noted, that on one occasion that he proclaimed,"That shows how cowardly people are. They can't face doing certain horrible things themselves, but they enjoy the benefits without a pang of conscience."

* We have had many, many, many important and famous people in this world(or no longer in this world) who have been vegetarian including; Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Andre 3000, Benjamin Franklin, Bill Clinton, Betty White, Bob Marley, Brook Shields, Buddha, Charles Darwin, Cesar Chavez, Diogenes, Ellen Degeneres, Elijah Wood, Jackie Chan, Jason Mraz, Jim Carrey, Jesus Christ, John Lennon, Kirk Hammett, Leonardo diCaprio, Leonardo Di Vinci, Ozzy Osborne, Rob Zombie and thousands-upon-thousands more.

*Our teeth have never, in the history of us being on Earth, had teeth that resemble those of carnivores or flesh-eater. Our teeth now, our "canines", are nothing like that of bears, cats, dogs or any other meat eating animal. 

* In both the Old and New Testaments (sorry Agnostics, Atheists and other religions) there is considerable reference that we, as humans, were created a total humans.

* Livestock with cancerous tumors are regularly used for meat. You never find tumors in you meat because they cut them out before they can be shipped off for human consumption.  The same goes for chickens as well. Just because they have cut out the tumor means , well, absolutely nothing. The tumor or cancer is passed onto you. It would most likely develop in your colon, but you never see vegetarians or vegans with colon cancer...unless for some s or the unusual, rare reason. 

* Leonardo Di Vinci has said these wise words, "Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs. We live by the death of others. We are burial places!"
As well as: 
"I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I, will look upon the murder of animals, as they now look upon the murder of men."

*A fact from me.
 I have been weight-lifting every day, twice a day for a week now. Now, I'm not talking 5-10 pounds and 15 of everything for two exercises. I do 60-100 lifts of 12 different exercises and lifting 50-120 pounds with every exercise for three hours a day. Doesn't seem that crazy, you could probably lift more right? Well, the last time I worked out was, maybe, 2+ years ago. Two years ago I was not a vegetarian. I had difficulties being able to concentrate and do any sort of activity for more than 5 minutes. I could not lift, bench-press or anything, more than 20 pounds. I am not sore, in any pain, fatigued or any consequences I would face from doing this extensive workout from nothing. I have so much energy and can't wait for my next workout, I'm actually dying to go back right now! 
This is far different from my life years ago. You can say; I'm just lucky or I must have built muscle and muscle flexibility over the years somehow, but trust me the only thing I built was fat and health problems. 
As a vegetarian you will lose weight and you will be able to do things you didn't think you ever could. Maybe those things are completing a 20K marathon or giving your kids a chance at a normal, healthy life. And I'll be here every step of the way, no matter what.

Thank you so much for reading!

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