Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I Just Wanna Say...

Happy Birthday to me!
Haha, well,  I got a great birthday surprise this morning when I saw my blog is almost to 1,000 views. It may not seem many to you, but it's a big milestone for me. I wouldn't have gotten to this point without you guys and I just want to thank you all so much for reading my blog every week...kinda every week...when I post a new one.
It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Thank you guys.
Oh and just so my blog isn't just a thank you note:
We, my family and I, went to The Cheesecake Factory today and let me tell you; their veggie burger was awesome! Made with beets, onions, black beans and a few other vegetables...it's just perfect. (No product placement here) Their mushroom burger is the best burger in their restaurant and they have many pasta and fish options as well that are fantastic. Their smoothies are oh, so good.
So if your ever in the neighborhood and you're looking for some good vegetarian food, definitely hit-up The Cheesecake Factory.
 Thank you so much for reading!

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