Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Many Types of You

Most people get vegetarians mixed-up with vegans, which is understandable. They are closely related and share many of the same views, but that all depends on what kind of vegetarian you are.
There are several different types of vegetarians that most people look over. These different types of vegetarians meet the desires of everyone who wishes to become vegetarian. Some are flexible and some are more strict, like being vegan. Which one is right for you? Let's see...

A Lacto-ovo vegetarians are the most common stereotype for vegetarians. It's usually the first thing that comes to mind when you picture a vegetarian. Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not eat fish, pork, lamb, beef, poultry, shellfish or any type of flesh-meat but they do eat dairy products and eggs. Lacto, from Latin, meaning milk and ovo from Latin, as well, meaning egg.
Lacto vegetarian only eats dairy and no type of meat what-so-ever. And an Ovo vegetarian would just eat eggs and no dairy. Self-explanatory.

Flexitarians or Semi-vegetarians are a branch of vegetarian where you tend to eat meats and vegetarian foods. It's a little half-and-half. They usually cut out red meats though, but not all Flexitarians do.

Pescetarians usually abstain from eating all meat except for fish. It's more of a stepping-stone to becoming vegan or  vegetarian, it's not usually a common type of vegetarianism, but more and more people are adopting this type of diet.

Macrobiotics usually include unprocessed vegan foods, fruits and vegetables, the occasional fish and whole grains in their diets. They do not consume sugars or refined oils, they emphasize more on eating asian and sea vegetables.

Fruitarians eat only fruits, some vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. They eat mostly fruits, nuts, grains and seeds because you can pick the eatable products of the plants without actually killing the plants. Picking vegetables usually kills the plant. You can think of them extremists in the belief of pro-life.
They're diets usually consist of raw-foods.

Pollo Vegetarians consume poultry such as chicken, duck and turkey. They do not eat any other type of meat and I'm sure that most adapt eggs into their diets, but it's a personal choice.

Vegans do not consume anything that has come from an animal. So any meat products, fish, eggs, dairy, sugars, most oils, gelatin, some wines, honey or anything that has been processed from animal products. They also tend not to have anything made from animals such as clothes, furniture, bags, etc.
It's a very strict diet, but a very amazing path.

I happen to be a Lacto-Pesce vegetarian; only eating dairy and some types fish. It's definitely easier to find food wherever I choose to go, compared to some other types of vegetarians. I also am hoping to become vegan in the near future. If only I can just learn to live without milk chocolate and ice-cream...

So, just because the stereotype isn't how you'd like to live your vegetarian life, it doesn't mean there aren't easy alternatives that still consider you a vegetarian. Any path you choose will ultimately better you inside and out.

Thank you so much for reading!

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