Friday, September 14, 2012

So...How Can I Fix It?

There are just so many unbelievable benefits from being vegetarian, it’s insane! But there is a slight downside, your B-12. It’s true, vegetarians do not get enough B-12.  It is mostly found in meats and there are many people arguing that it’s the reason you shouldn’t become vegetarian. A deficiancy of B-12 makes you susceptible to Osteioperosis and depression, which really sucks if you already have depression. But don’t let this little bump change your mind because there are everyday foods that you can add to your diet to keep your B-12 levels up to their normal levels.
Most soy products and even cereals contain B-12; you can look at the nutrition facts found somewhere on the back or sides, find out which cereals contain the vitamin and chose your favorite. B-12 is sometimes extracted from yeast extract products, which is something you can find in mostly every store and a good percentage of baking goods. If you hate mushrooms then your next option may not be right for you. Crimini mushrooms are a very good source of B-12 and it’s a bit of a treasure hunt to find some, but it’s worth it. You could also choose to buy B-12 suppliments, which you can find in the health care sections of stores; an easier alternative.
Simple ways to enhance your diet and the stepping stones that help you to reach your goals in health. One small road bump in this inspiring life-style choice that doesn’t need to throw you off your course. Thank you so much for reading!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

I Dare You To Read This: Diseases 2

Okay, as promised, I made another disease post. This should be the final one, unless I find more sometime in the future, but anyways...

Tumors are not only caused by meat, because of the fact that most meat that is put into production, that is diseased, is not thrown out but also cooking it could cause these tumors as well. Whether it be frying, grilling or boiling meat or fish, it will produce heterocyclic amines, which I have talked about before. This substance is formed from amino acids and the keratin from the muscular substances in meat. As we should all know (some what know) tumors or cysts are made from keratin. This is something most known by people, as to, what these growths are made of. And if you didn’t know that know it now. Heterocyclic amines have been found to have considerate amounts of genotoxic and mutagenic potential. These heterocyclic amines can form cancers and tumors such as; colon carcinoma
(a tumor), stomach cancer, prostate cancer, esophagus cancer, kidney cancer, pancreas cancer and breast cancer. All of these diseases have been associated with heterocyclic acid in medical writings.
Aside from the heterocyclic acid, our bodies form another carcinogenic acids in our intestines while digesting meat. The University of Hohenheim conducted studies that found having a diet high in fats and meat increases the toxicity of fecal water in the intestinal area.
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, or, more commonly known as Mad Cow Disease.  This disease causes the spongy areas in the brain and spinal cord to degenerate. The disease is fatal and can take anywhere from 30 months to 8 years to become apparent. Mad Cow Disease is not only infections through consumption but also through the spinal cord, digestive tract and brain of the infected carcasses. It can also be found in every tissue and every last bit of blood in the infected cows. In humans, the disease is known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Hundreds of people from the United States to Great Britain have been affected by this disease and thousands of cattle, as well. The disease is from cattle consuming the meat and bone meal of sheep infected with scrapie, which is disgusting. The explanation for this disease is really, incredibly long but it’s caused by a misfolded-protein called Prion.
Avian Influenza, or, the bird flu is a disease that can mutate and infect humans. This disease causes flu-like symptoms that usually lead to death, in humans. The disease can be transmitted from contact of any sort, birds consuming infected animals as well. The disease can last, on a surface, for up to ten days! I am not entirely sure what causes the disease.
Some terrifying issues with meat are lesser known, parasites. These nasty organisms burrow their way into our bodies and feed off of us.
Tapeworms are found in beef, pork, and fish, mostly. These parasites can grow from just 2 centimeters to 25+ feet. You can have one tapeworm or you could have hundreds. They usually live in the intestines, feeding off of your food You can get these tapeworms from consuming undercooked meat, touching infected meats and touching infected feces. This parasite can usually only be killed through medication prescribed by your doctor, but sometimes they come out on their own. They may leave the body from any extremity; nose, mouth and down-south region.
Cysticercosis, is when a parasite travels from the intestines to other parts of the body. The parasite, the males, are released into the intestines when the larvae mature, the females stay and produce larvae. The parasites are carried through the gastrointestinal tract, into the blood stream where they travel throughout the body and become encysted. This can kill you if they reach your brain or heart because they will multiply and eat the areas.
There are tons of different types of parasites that are found in meats that I wish I could list, but there are just too many. There are so many diseases we contract from consuming meat and that will most-likely kill us. It’s a scary thought: your next meal could be the tip of the ice-burg and could potentially turn into your silent killer. Instances like this really make you glad that you chose to be vegetarian.
Thank you so much for reading!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I Dare You To Read This: Diseases

There are so many people that I have met that have told me, flat out, that they do not care about what they eat. And you know, it breaks my heart. They tell me,”Oh yeah, yeah. I know, I know. I just don’t care. It tastes good, so, I eat it.” They’ve usually told me this while chomping on McDonalds or a nice juicy steak. And I know I have said this in at least on post before.
They apparently do not care, have no moral conscious, about; murder, abuse, disease, etc. Meat is murder. No matter how you want to twist it, no matter your argument. This is a living creature and you are wrongfully taking away their life for your own selfishness. It’s a blasphemy of life that I do not wish to take part in and something I hope you take the same way that I do.
I understand people’s arguments on the scarcity of food across the world and what not, but do you know that if we plowed over every single meat processing plant, factory and meat farm in the world we would never have a problem with food. I also mean to say, in doing this, you put up crop farms. Farms that produce vegetables and fruits need less water, altogether, than animal farms, etc. do. It’s easier and a hell of a lot less violent and demoralizing than animal farms.
Just think about all the thousands upon thousands of crops you could grow of that blood soaked land. Minus the blood because that’s disgusting, but I mean realistically/rationally speaking it’s a better path, choice, route whatever you may wish to call it. It would save so much money, end obesity and end starvation.
On to what I originally wanted to talk about...I have said before that there are diseases that come with eating meats. I never really explained why these diseases are prominent in meats and what diseases are found in what meats. And so, I wanted to write about that this time just to give more coverage and so you can better understand what I have been talking about.
Heart disease is the most commonly known disease that is associated with meat. The reason behind why meat and meat products give you heart disease is this: a protein called Plasma Apolioprotein Bis positively associated with animal-protein in take. This disease and these proteins are lowered by vegetable protein intake. This doesn’t mean that you can have your cake and eat it to. You have to give up meat to fight this disease because it will not get better if you don’t. This protein is also correlated with coronary heart disease and high-cholesterol levels as well. This isn’t just red meat I’m talking about either, this does include fish and poultry.
Colon cancer is also a very common associated with eating meat.  Again, red meats are not the only problem here. It has been found that consuming fish and poultry will also potentially give you colon cancer. The potent cancer-causing compounds are called Heterocyclic Amines and they are actually more concentrated in chicken than, say, beef. Have it be chicken or beef, they have the same cholesterol levels. There is no difference, in regards to cholesterol, there is no advantage to eating lean chicken to lean beef.
Stomach cancer is caused by processed meat that contains nitrates. Almost all meat does. Nitrates help to elongate meat’s shelf-time. They stay fresher longer and have twice the risk of disease. For every ounce of meat you eat a day, your risk of getting stomach cancer is increased anywhere from 15-38%. Now that may not seem a lot, but do the math. 6 ounces and your chances of getting stomach cancer are  extreme.
Eating meats can also give you bone cancer. And this is because meat products contain a high percentage of Phosphors than Calcium. This unbalanced ratio that causes secondary hypothyroidism because the parathyroid glands in your neck product way too much parathyroid hormone. This disease comes with it’s own parade of other health issues ,and they’re no fun. And you can also have a high chance of getting osteoporosis at a young age especially in women.
All types of meat contain Arachidonic acid. Prostaglandins and leukotriens are abundant in this acid because they belong to the metabolites in the acid. Prostaglandin E is found in the synovial fluid in people who suffer from Rheumatism. That’s a whole lot of medical who-ha for joint and cartilage erosion.
There is about another post or two full of diseases that I would be more than happy to write for you guys, but I do not want this post to be excessively long. So I promise I will make another post as soon as possible, as a second part to this one.
I want to thank you so much for reading and I’ll work on writing another post, here, soon.
Thank you!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Many Types of You

Most people get vegetarians mixed-up with vegans, which is understandable. They are closely related and share many of the same views, but that all depends on what kind of vegetarian you are.
There are several different types of vegetarians that most people look over. These different types of vegetarians meet the desires of everyone who wishes to become vegetarian. Some are flexible and some are more strict, like being vegan. Which one is right for you? Let's see...

A Lacto-ovo vegetarians are the most common stereotype for vegetarians. It's usually the first thing that comes to mind when you picture a vegetarian. Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not eat fish, pork, lamb, beef, poultry, shellfish or any type of flesh-meat but they do eat dairy products and eggs. Lacto, from Latin, meaning milk and ovo from Latin, as well, meaning egg.
Lacto vegetarian only eats dairy and no type of meat what-so-ever. And an Ovo vegetarian would just eat eggs and no dairy. Self-explanatory.

Flexitarians or Semi-vegetarians are a branch of vegetarian where you tend to eat meats and vegetarian foods. It's a little half-and-half. They usually cut out red meats though, but not all Flexitarians do.

Pescetarians usually abstain from eating all meat except for fish. It's more of a stepping-stone to becoming vegan or  vegetarian, it's not usually a common type of vegetarianism, but more and more people are adopting this type of diet.

Macrobiotics usually include unprocessed vegan foods, fruits and vegetables, the occasional fish and whole grains in their diets. They do not consume sugars or refined oils, they emphasize more on eating asian and sea vegetables.

Fruitarians eat only fruits, some vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. They eat mostly fruits, nuts, grains and seeds because you can pick the eatable products of the plants without actually killing the plants. Picking vegetables usually kills the plant. You can think of them extremists in the belief of pro-life.
They're diets usually consist of raw-foods.

Pollo Vegetarians consume poultry such as chicken, duck and turkey. They do not eat any other type of meat and I'm sure that most adapt eggs into their diets, but it's a personal choice.

Vegans do not consume anything that has come from an animal. So any meat products, fish, eggs, dairy, sugars, most oils, gelatin, some wines, honey or anything that has been processed from animal products. They also tend not to have anything made from animals such as clothes, furniture, bags, etc.
It's a very strict diet, but a very amazing path.

I happen to be a Lacto-Pesce vegetarian; only eating dairy and some types fish. It's definitely easier to find food wherever I choose to go, compared to some other types of vegetarians. I also am hoping to become vegan in the near future. If only I can just learn to live without milk chocolate and ice-cream...

So, just because the stereotype isn't how you'd like to live your vegetarian life, it doesn't mean there aren't easy alternatives that still consider you a vegetarian. Any path you choose will ultimately better you inside and out.

Thank you so much for reading!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I Just Wanna Say...

Happy Birthday to me!
Haha, well,  I got a great birthday surprise this morning when I saw my blog is almost to 1,000 views. It may not seem many to you, but it's a big milestone for me. I wouldn't have gotten to this point without you guys and I just want to thank you all so much for reading my blog every week...kinda every week...when I post a new one.
It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Thank you guys.
Oh and just so my blog isn't just a thank you note:
We, my family and I, went to The Cheesecake Factory today and let me tell you; their veggie burger was awesome! Made with beets, onions, black beans and a few other's just perfect. (No product placement here) Their mushroom burger is the best burger in their restaurant and they have many pasta and fish options as well that are fantastic. Their smoothies are oh, so good.
So if your ever in the neighborhood and you're looking for some good vegetarian food, definitely hit-up The Cheesecake Factory.
 Thank you so much for reading!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Some Interesting Facts You Have To Read

During my usual busy day, I came across a few interesting facts about being vegetarian and some important people who are vegetarian, as well. And that I thought I'd share them with you guys.

* During a study in Great Britain, researchers found that a child's IQs can predict his likelihood of becoming vegetarian at an older age. The smarter the child was, the more likely it is he will reject meat.

* Research shows that men who eliminate red meats from their diets have a more sexually appealing body odor. And you wonder why people say vegetarians smell better...

* Many people believed that Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian. The man who brought on the Holocaust and had furniture made out of humans, yes, he was vegetarian. He predicted that in the future the world would become vegetarian. While entertaining omnivore guests in his home he would tell them many horror stories about what happened in slaughterhouses. When they became put-off by meat, he laughed and mocked them for their hypocrisy. It is noted, that on one occasion that he proclaimed,"That shows how cowardly people are. They can't face doing certain horrible things themselves, but they enjoy the benefits without a pang of conscience."

* We have had many, many, many important and famous people in this world(or no longer in this world) who have been vegetarian including; Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Andre 3000, Benjamin Franklin, Bill Clinton, Betty White, Bob Marley, Brook Shields, Buddha, Charles Darwin, Cesar Chavez, Diogenes, Ellen Degeneres, Elijah Wood, Jackie Chan, Jason Mraz, Jim Carrey, Jesus Christ, John Lennon, Kirk Hammett, Leonardo diCaprio, Leonardo Di Vinci, Ozzy Osborne, Rob Zombie and thousands-upon-thousands more.

*Our teeth have never, in the history of us being on Earth, had teeth that resemble those of carnivores or flesh-eater. Our teeth now, our "canines", are nothing like that of bears, cats, dogs or any other meat eating animal. 

* In both the Old and New Testaments (sorry Agnostics, Atheists and other religions) there is considerable reference that we, as humans, were created a total humans.

* Livestock with cancerous tumors are regularly used for meat. You never find tumors in you meat because they cut them out before they can be shipped off for human consumption.  The same goes for chickens as well. Just because they have cut out the tumor means , well, absolutely nothing. The tumor or cancer is passed onto you. It would most likely develop in your colon, but you never see vegetarians or vegans with colon cancer...unless for some s or the unusual, rare reason. 

* Leonardo Di Vinci has said these wise words, "Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs. We live by the death of others. We are burial places!"
As well as: 
"I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I, will look upon the murder of animals, as they now look upon the murder of men."

*A fact from me.
 I have been weight-lifting every day, twice a day for a week now. Now, I'm not talking 5-10 pounds and 15 of everything for two exercises. I do 60-100 lifts of 12 different exercises and lifting 50-120 pounds with every exercise for three hours a day. Doesn't seem that crazy, you could probably lift more right? Well, the last time I worked out was, maybe, 2+ years ago. Two years ago I was not a vegetarian. I had difficulties being able to concentrate and do any sort of activity for more than 5 minutes. I could not lift, bench-press or anything, more than 20 pounds. I am not sore, in any pain, fatigued or any consequences I would face from doing this extensive workout from nothing. I have so much energy and can't wait for my next workout, I'm actually dying to go back right now! 
This is far different from my life years ago. You can say; I'm just lucky or I must have built muscle and muscle flexibility over the years somehow, but trust me the only thing I built was fat and health problems. 
As a vegetarian you will lose weight and you will be able to do things you didn't think you ever could. Maybe those things are completing a 20K marathon or giving your kids a chance at a normal, healthy life. And I'll be here every step of the way, no matter what.

Thank you so much for reading!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Best Vegetarian Restaurants In The Nation And More!

Fast food restaurants are great to have around and yeah, the local health foods store or deli is nice too, but sometimes we deserve a little more as vegetarians. Fast food joints and your average vegetarian friendly restaurant just doesn't cut it. After a little research and a vacation trip, I've found the best of the best restaurants in the nation that are all about us. I also looked up some very good restaurants in Russia for my international viewers and a few in Europe as well.
The Candle 79, also known as The Candle Cafe, which is located in New York, New York. There are two choices, you can eat at the upper east side restaurant or the upper west side restaurant. Both restaurants are the same and amazing. The food is fresh, organic and 100% vegan. This fantastic eatery was started in 1984 and has been rated the #1 vegetarian restaurant by Zagat. 
The Green Zebra is located in Chicago and is a top-notch restaurant. The chef, Shawn McClain, has been awarded with the title "Best Chef in the Mid-West" and his culinary talents really show that title is beyond true. The Green in the restaurant's title comes from the Chef's philosophy that revolves around having the best and most fresh ingredients for his customers.
The Madeleine Bistro is located in Tarzana, California. This bistro is crazy. The culinary visionary for this restaurant is David Anderson who is one of the top, and I mean top, Chefs/students/people. He has been named "Chef of the Year" and has been in countless magazines and he was the first vegetarian chef to be asked to participate in the Epcot Food and Wine Festival at Disney. He was also involved in Oprah Winfrey's 21-day vegan cleanse. Their menu is extensive to say the least and you can find almost anything and everything you could desire there.
And lastly, Sublime. Sublime is located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. A very close-to-home place for me that I'm dying to go to. This restaurant isn't only know for their 4 out of 4 star cuisine, but the atmosphere is beautiful! Cascading window waterfalls, scenic lighting, open-hearth oven, Italian glass tiles and a rainforest-type atmosphere...It's high class eating. It has been named the "Top in Restaurant Decor" and USA Today, Sun-Sentenial  has named it one of the top ten restaurants in the nation. The restaurant is also visited frequently by big-name stars like Alec Baldwin, Pamela Anderson, Paul McCartney and Bob Barker. 
For out-of-the-country vegetarian dining, these are a few:
The Botanika Cafe was opened by an american vegetarian and yoga pioneer. This true vegetarian restaurant is located in 7, Pestelya Str, Metro: Chernishevskaya, Saint Petersburg Russia. At this restaurant you can find Russian, Italian, Japanese and Indian foods and every sandwich has a pretty funny name. 
The Avocado is a vegetarian restaurant located in Moscow, Russia. The restaurant has a very diverse menu, pulling in food from all around the world. It has a typical Russian atmosphere that makes you feel right at home.
The Idiot restaurant is definitely a great spot for veggie food. Aside from the name this place is represents a hero's atmosphere and you'd have to be a idiot not to go there. It is a low-budget fort of place located in St. Petersburg, Russia. It has a 18-19 century look to it and the menu was written by the famous writer Dostoevsky. 
La Mano Verde is located in Kempkinski Plaza, Uhlandstrasse in Berlin, Germany. This is a vegan, raw, gourmet sort of place. Half is raw and half is cooked food, with organic beer and wine galore! It's a 4.5/5 rated restaurant and, I mean, they have a vegan dish that looks like sushi...It's definitely an open-minded place. 
I hope that one of these restaurants are close to home and that you get the chance to check em' out. They are definitely not a waste of time or money and you won't be sorry you went. I'll try and find more vegetarian restaurants around the world and write another post about them soon.
Thank you for reading!